Hello there!
How would you describe the feeling of holding your new-born for the first time in your arms?! It was the same feeling of fatherhood when we got the first manufactured samples in our hands! (This doesn’t mean we have started manufacturing, there are some tests to be done on the manufacturing set-up, )This is where everything gets exciting, the machines would soon be making that sweet mechanical sound, sound after which you feel satisfied, a little more content, something for which we have waited this long!
There is a BIG difference in this version and the older one where the outer body was still in works (texture and tolerances were to be fixed), final changes in the PCB layouts were left (like how to use the 2 system LEDs in a better way), some silkscreen information and those wonderful words printed on the back of Adam.
We promised ourselves that we will get them printed on the back, no matter
what, and that’s what we saw! The back of Adam will read “Created with Love by Notion Ink” (instead of the standard ‘Designed’ or ‘Assembled in’) cos we really have done everything that’s in our control, something which you only do, when you are in love (
). It feels lighter than the last version, but our minds now filled with heavier responsibilities.
If you ask an artist or a sculptor, “when do you feel that you are about to finish your artwork?” He’d probably reply, “when I start feeling the body and its texture!” And, we felt the texture. It was little tough for us to select the texture, after all there are thousands of them. We didn’t want it to be smooth; else it would feel artificial, plastic and un-natural. We wanted it rough, just enough to make us feel its full of life!
Will get someone better than I, to take good images and post it for you guys.
We call the Red one as the “Ferrari” Version (we don’t have one, but just for fun in the lab and is only available for internal testing! There is NO correlation between the colors shown here and the ones finalized for the manufacturing as these are lab testing samples). I have taken one apart for you and will take you deeper into the mechanical construction in the next week-end special. (Please see that the exact colors here are not final and subject to change and apologies if the post was little on the emotional end!)
With Warm Regards
Rohan Shravan
How would you describe the feeling of holding your new-born for the first time in your arms?! It was the same feeling of fatherhood when we got the first manufactured samples in our hands! (This doesn’t mean we have started manufacturing, there are some tests to be done on the manufacturing set-up, )This is where everything gets exciting, the machines would soon be making that sweet mechanical sound, sound after which you feel satisfied, a little more content, something for which we have waited this long!
We promised ourselves that we will get them printed on the back, no matter
If you ask an artist or a sculptor, “when do you feel that you are about to finish your artwork?” He’d probably reply, “when I start feeling the body and its texture!” And, we felt the texture. It was little tough for us to select the texture, after all there are thousands of them. We didn’t want it to be smooth; else it would feel artificial, plastic and un-natural. We wanted it rough, just enough to make us feel its full of life!
Will get someone better than I, to take good images and post it for you guys.
We call the Red one as the “Ferrari” Version (we don’t have one, but just for fun in the lab and is only available for internal testing! There is NO correlation between the colors shown here and the ones finalized for the manufacturing as these are lab testing samples). I have taken one apart for you and will take you deeper into the mechanical construction in the next week-end special. (Please see that the exact colors here are not final and subject to change and apologies if the post was little on the emotional end!)
With Warm Regards
Rohan Shravan
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